The Sweetness of Scents- A Note of Gratitude for Essential Oils

“Odors have a power of persuasion stronger than that of words, appearances, emotions or will. The persuasive power of an odor cannot be fended off, it enters into us like breath into our lungs, it fills us up, imbues us totally. There is no remedy for it.”
― Patrick Süskind
Having grown up on a ranch, the perfume of the prairies is a primary element of my childhood memories. Sage, wild roses, wet earth, and a building we called “The Shop”, which was full of lots of oily farm machinery are all included in my long list of favorite scents.
When I was 11, I moved to Edmonton with my family and quickly became desensitized to all of the synthetic fragrances around me. I began to forget “how things really smelled” and the more I surrounded myself with these scent impersonators, the more I began to lose sight of my Country roots. While my mom acted as if she was under the attack of mustard gas every time we walked through the perfume section of a department store, I was embracing these chemical potions with open arms. It wasn’t until my late teens that I started to re-connect with essential oils, as perfumes at first, and later on for their therapeutic qualities. One of the first blends I made, and continue to wear today consists of vanilla, neroli, patchouli, lavender, and lime; it is uplifting while still being grounding and it fills me with pure bliss every time I smell it.
The death of my grandmother marked the beginning of my ongoing relationship to scent as a method of therapy. During this time I discovered several essential oils which helped immensely to comfort me and ease my anxiety. Sage, spruce, and lavender were my best friends throughout this difficult time in my in my life. Over the course of the day, I would add these oils to a spray bottle filled with purified water and mist them around my body while focusing on my breathing and then at night I would put them into a bath or onto a hot compress. Doing this kept me present, grounded, and helped me sleep soundly.
I would highly recommend incorporating essential oils and perfumes into your life. Start by creating your own blend of oils; it may surprise you how transformative it can truly be. By discovering which scents you like as well as dislike, you are one step closer to achieving a deeper understanding of self, and, if nothing else, you’ll smell great!