Gordon R.

Where you’ll find me
Engaging with customers in the Apothecary, nose in the books researching articles for the newsletter, or spritzing people with some favourite aromatic waters.
Best health advice I’ve received (and followed)
Never eat after 10 p.m… Unless its my sister-in-law’s peach preserves, or peach cobbler, or… Swiss peach custard pie.
Daily mantra
Remember to say “thank you”.
My favourites
- Motherwort Tincture – it helps me to sleep and not worry.
- Enerex Greens – it keeps my mind focused.
- Neroli Aromatic Water – makes me happy!
Favourite essential oil combination
Atlas cedarwood. As a child I kept my sweaters in a cedar chest.
Don’t tell anyone, but…
Whenever I am traveling I like to find where Queen Elizabeth has sat, and I like to sit there.
Favourite plant or flower
Daffodil: they’re only here for a short time, so you have to enjoy their brightness while you can.
Learning / Education / Experience
- I have been with Kolya’s Apothecary since 2011
- Worked closely with Master Herbalist Robert Rogers and Aromatherapist Laurie Szott Rogers for 12 years as manager of Scents of Wonder
- Certificate in Herbal Medicine (level I & II) from Wild Rose College of Natural Healing
- Certified in multiple Aromatherapy courses from Prairie Diva College
- Certified in Reflexology from Wild Rose College of Natural Healing
- Certified Trager Practitioner Level I & II